Thursday, February 28, 2013

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

ReAd ACrOsS aMeRicA: A Tribute to Dr. Seuss 
Yet another snow day.....this time no snow. HA! Like for real...not even a dusting. Our county is linked by three samll towns so our trusted Monterey is probably covered. This is great for Cookeville (where I live)...We get to miss school and drive easily through town. I was super sad to miss today though. I am probably the only teacher in the history of teachers that is a little sad about a snow day. Not every snow day...mostly just this one. I spent 1 1/2 hours curling my hair for picture day! I have a TON of hair. Plus I was super excited about a Seuss-tasstic Thursday at school! Oh I'm all dolled up here at school by myself. Maybe a shopping trip is in my near future.  

We have a two-week Spring Break coming up this Monday! Woohoo! I have been trying to get every last thing in before we go to break and have not had time or the energy to blog. 

This week has been so much fun! All things SEUSS! Here are some pics of things we have been working on this week....

 One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish......A Glyph Girls it brightened the room!
 I spent way too much money buying Dr. Seuss books...but they are fabulous and BAM had a day for my school this past weekend and a portion of proceeds went to our school! Well worth it!
 Our Word of the day on The Cat in the Hat's tie.
 Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
 Compound words (part of spelling this week) SEUSS Style.
 What I had planned for today and tomorrow!
 Yesterday was WACKY WEDNESDAY....We did lots of wacky things...walked down the hall WaCkY, wrote our names WaCkY, jumped on bubble wrap as we spelled our words for the week....what a wonderfully WaCkY Wednesday!
 One of the other sweet first grade teachers let me borrow this VHS. I was super excited! We have not had time to watch it (waiting for an indoor recess).

Tomorrow is going to be EVEN more fun. Hope we have school. There will be a HUGE family engagement activity. Each grade level chose a book....1st Grade= One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

There will be birthday cake, crafts, singing, and of course lots and lots of reading!!!!

To be continued.......

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Past Few Weeks in Pictures and SNOW!

Woohoo! We have a snow day with actual snow!!!! Even-though we have yet to go a full week since Christmas break.... 10am starts, snow days (no snow), holidays...etc. I NEEDED this snow day. I caught something....I say something because I have no clue what it is. I call it "yuckiness" and that is just what it is. I was out one day this week with it and might as well have been out more (I totally was not in my classroom mentally). My firstie babies were super sweet though....they knew I felt like yuck and treated me like a princess. One little friend thought for sure if I had a drink of water I would feel better.....Haha I always have them take a drink of water when they are felling yucky or like a hypochondriac. I have a few of those. Anyways..... I needed an extra day to catch up on grades, lesson planning and the pile of things I want to do. I have like a zillion photos saved from pinterest, juxtapost and blogs....anchor charts, activities, work stations and so much more I have on my list of things to do.


Here's what we have been working on the past few weeks......

The 100th DAY OF SCHOOL!

 Walking in 100 days smarter!

And a little 100day treat! (not sure where I found this printable but if know... I'd love to give credit)

CATS! Love the play/musical, don't care for the animal (they are sneaky and I am allergic!) but they are so darn cute in kitten and clip art form. Our Harcourt story was "A Bed Full of Cats" a CATS theme was created!

This past week we read " Me On The Map" and began our Flat Stanley unit.....I cannot wait to share what this two week unit brings....but I have yet to take any pictures..oops! I have searched the blogs high and low and come up with some of my own ideas ...I know! original ideas!!!! and I am super excited about next week. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Penguins, Ponytails & Prayer

Pp: It's the letter of the week! No we don't actually have a letter of the week (we are BIG first graders) but this week it's P! We began our Arctic/Antarctic lesson this past week. The kid's LOVED it! Their fave animal so far......PENGUINS!!!!! I can't blame them, they are just so darn adorable! I have uploaded (I hope) some pictures from this past week. I am such a newbie to this whole blog thing but I am trying. At this point I do not even have any followers. That's ok, it is kind of cathartic..... like a diary. 

Penguin Anchor Chart (above). Got this idea from the First Grade Parade's; Cara Carroll (my idol)!!!! My little friends always love getting to use post-its. I especially love these adorable little minis.

 Each day we brainstormed Arctic/Antarctic nouns & verbs for our morning    work/journals. They wrote sentences with the words we came up with each a.m.
 I introduced the word of the day this week and a game (whoever uses it the most during the day wins a prize). Mrs. Eldridge, I have a lot of stamina/ Mrs. Eldridge, my dog doesn't have any stamina/ Mrs Eldridge, you have a lot of stamina because you never sit down. 
           A shot of my room, the We Can board, graffiti table and our books for the two-week unit.

Stressful days call for quick mornings. I want to chop my hair off so bad! But I'm a little more than attached to my hair... I know weird! I feel like I should lose some weight too. Not sure my round face would pull off a short do and I am afraid I won't look pretty. So I put it in a very boring ponytail on those rushed days. Ponytails.... cant I come up with anything else? I fear I will never have the know-how to expand my hair possibilities. I can scruch, straighten or throw my hair in ponytail or bun (not a cute bun). I know if I have a little girl I will have to hire someone. Does hair styling come with those "Mother's instincts"? I would love to do all these fun braids, twists and cute styles I see on pinterest but I can't! Thank goodness for hair accessories!

Last, P of the day! Prayers! I need them! As a first year teacher, stress is high. I know that every teacher is in this boat but I literally spend more time at school than I do anywhere else. I always get to school super early (5-6am), school here is from 7:45-3:15 and I always stay late. I do after school fitness and computer classes and I spend most of my weekends at school. With two unnanounced observations in my future, a new schedule (ahh!!! its January), and loads of to do list items.....prayers please!